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Senior Community Service Employment Program

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) offers services to persons age 55+.

If you are ready to reenter the workplace a wide range of jobs are available and the SCSEP Program is eager to assist you in preparing for a job and to direct you to job openings. SCSEP staff will help you match your experience, skills, and interest to part time, full time and seasonal job openings and work with you to develop a resume based on your life experience. If further training is required, the SCSEP staff will review your background and refer you to suitable training.

Community Service positions are available for low income seniors to earn a wage of $7.25 per hour in exchange for learning marketable skills while providing a community service for 20 hours weekly at non-profit agencies, local government offices and municipalities in the following areas: Legal Services, Employment Services, Section VII, Volunteer Services, Day Care, Senior Nutrition Programs, Mental Health Centers and more. These positions may facilitate transition into permanent employment.

Mature job seekers learn new skills, update current skills, and obtain skills to find a job. Training programs include computer, customer service, home health aide, work experience in food services, clerical and office skills. Free individual counseling, resume preparation and job referrals are available.

This program is funded by the National Council on the Aging, Inc. and the New York State Office for the Aging with Older Americans Act, Title V-SCSEP funding provided by the United States Department of Labor.

SCSEP is an active partner in the Westchester/Putnam One Stop Employment Center. Seniors may arrange to meet a SCSEP Peer Counselor by appointment.

For more information and eligibility guidelines speak to a SCSEP Peer Counselor at the Urban League of Westchester at (914) 428-5850.