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Fall Prevention: Stay Active and On Your Feet

While falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injury for people 65 years of age and older, they are not an inevitable part of aging.

Studies show that a combination of behavior changes can significantly reduce falls among older adults.

Starting in September and into October, educational programs may be found county-wide in recognition of Fall Prevention Awareness Day. The registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) at Westchester County’s Department of Senior Programs and Services will present a variety of nutrition related fall prevention topics at senior centers and nutrition sites during the months of September and October. Don’t miss out. Review the list below for further details.

Seniors do not have to live in a community to attend its program, but reservations are required.

Experts recommend:

  • Participating in a physical activity regimen with balance, strength training, and flexibility components.
  • Consulting with a health professional about getting a fall risk assessment.
  • Having medications reviewed periodically.
  • Getting eyes and ears checked annually.
  • Making sure the home environment is safe and supportive.

The recent United States of Aging Survey polled older adults to find out about how they are preparing for their later years. It found that more than half of seniors questioned said they would be interested in the expansion of community-based health promotion programs, including falls prevention classes.

At senior centers and other community-based organizations across Westchester County, programs like A Matter of Balance, Tai Chi, Yoga and other fall prevention strength building exercise classes help older adults gain strength, improve balance and build confidence to help them live healthier lives and preserve their independence.