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Expanded In-Home Services

The Expanded In-Home Services program, EISEP, helps individuals age 60 or older who need help with activities such as eating, dressing, bathing or toileting or need help with activities such as cooking, shopping, laundry or housekeeping and find that some of these needs cannot be met by friends or relatives.

EISEP cost
Each client is required to pay according to his/her ability for the homemaker or housekeeper services received through EISEP. Charges are based on a sliding fee schedule ranging from no cost to full cost for services, depending upon monthly income.

There is no charge for home visits during which a care plan is developed, nor for finding agencies to provide these services.

Services provided by EISEP

Case management

  • Assessment: The case manager assesses the client's situation in a face-to-face interview in the client's home. Where possible, family members involved in the client's care are included.
  • Care Plan: Based on the assessment, the case manager designs a care plan in cooperation with the client and the family. Either the case manager, the client or his or her family arrange for the delivery of services. Case managers stay in contact with the client to ensure that the services provided agree with the care plan.
  • Reassessment of the client's situation is done every six months or less, if needed. If the situation changes, the care plan is revised. The case manager remains in touch with the individual as long as he or she is in the program. If referral to another program is required, or if more care is needed than the EISEP program can provide, the case manager will assist in linking the client to the new services.

Non-medical in-home services

  • Housekeepers are hired to provide assistance such as shopping, cooking, laundry and other services that do not require "hands-on" care.
  • Homemakers provide the same services as the housekeeper, but in addition, assist the client with bathing, dressing, transferring or walking.
  • Respite Care: Relief from caring for a frail elderly person can be provided by the homemaker or housekeeper through the EISEP program. In addition, the case manager can assist the family in arranging for other forms of respite or sitter companion.
  • Ancillary services include Emergency Response Systems and other equipment or services which are necessary for the health and safety of the client and which cannot be funded through other programs.

For further information or to make a referral, please call the Case Management unit of the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services at (914) 813-6442.