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Join us at Westchester County's 57th Salute to Seniors on May 8th!
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brochure covers

These publications have been prepared by the Department of Senior Programs and Services to acquaint you with the wealth of services and benefits available to you as a senior citizen in Westchester. Senior citizens can learn how to save money, find housing, get help with minor home repairs, get answers about elder law and more. Other publications and studies are provided to assist the caregiver, senior citizen, or any member of the household with taking care of the elderly.

Many of our publications are available in Spanish.

MAP: My Aging Plan
MAP was written by the Successful Aging Conference sponsors, and provides specific things people can do to age successfully – starting in their 20's.

Health for Life Program
Brochure describes the Living Well program,where workshops help seniors learn how to better deal with chronic conditions such as arthritis, pain, high blood pressure and diabetes to enhance their quality of life.

Directory of Services, Rights and Benefits
This booklet has been prepared to acquaint you with the wealth of services and benefits available to you as a senior citizen in Westchester. All the services are listed alphabetically to make it easy to browse topics.

Financial Benefits and Savings Guide for Senior Citizens
Your guide to saving money on utility/heating, prescriptions, medicare costs, rent, property taxes, and minor home repairs. Includes a useful directory of phone numbers.

At the Crossroads
Westchester County Directory of Residential and Health Care Facility options. Includes adult homes, assisted living, enriched housing and retirement residences.

Guide to Westchester Senior Housing Sites
Things to know such as key parts of the Real Property Law of the State of New York as well as the federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and how to apply. It also includes some general tips and important questions to ask before you sign a lease.

Elder Law Q & A
Have questions about estate and financial planning, health care planning or elder abuse? If so, the 2019 edition of the Elder Law Q&A: An Introduction to Aging Issues and Planning for the Future offers answers. This guide is also available in Spanish.

Senior Law Day Info
For publications related to the most recent Senior Law Day at the county center, visit the Senior Law Day Info site.