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Introducing the 2025 ElderBoom Conference on Aging
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This video is meant to help individuals self-identify as caregivers and learn more about resources that can help support them in this demanding role:
Caregiver's Guide: What is Caregiving & How to Get Help - YouTube

Here are vital programs from Department of Senior Programs and Services (DSPS) for the elderly or disabled who need some help, but wish to remain in their homes and communities in comfort and safety.

The Any Care Counts - New York Campaign is a way to recognize and support the millions of unpaid caregivers across the state by connecting them to available support resources in New York.

Family members who are caring for a parent, spouse or other relative will find support services in our Caregiver Corner.

The Care Circles of Westchester program is the newest initiative under the big Livable Communities umbrella.

The Livable Communities Caregiver Coaching program is a trail-blazing initiative that helps family caregivers make informed decisions to better care for their older or disabled loved ones.

The New York Connects help line is a service where callers can make one, toll-free phone call for information about long-term care for seniors and for adults and children who are disabled.

Our valuable Senior Citizen Guide to Mental Health Services helps families obtain information on mental health programs and services in Westchester County.   

Caregivers who live in their homes with a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia usually worry that that person will wander away and get lost.  If that happens Project Lifesaver is a free program that uses radio-frequency technology to find their loved ones quickly and return them safely home.

The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) and Association on Aging in New York (AgingNY) have partnered with Trualta to offer Trualta’s web-based caregiver education and support platform at no cost to any unpaid caregiver in New York State. Trualta's evidence-based caregiver training and support platform helps families build skills to manage care at home for loved ones of any age. It also connects to local resources and support services by delivering personalized education, training, and information links.