Commissioner Receives AARP Award
New York State AARP announced today that it has presented a Social Impact Award in honor of its 50th anniversary to Commissioner Mae Carpenter of Westchester County’s Department of Senior Programs and Services, for her “creative and innovative” development of the livable communities initiative.
DSPS Commissioner Mae Carpenter, who is spearheading the initiative, has received an award for her work from the New York State AARP.
Livable Communities are places where seniors can grow old in their own homes with independence, dignity and civic involvement. Livable Community features include affordable housing, adequate and accessible transportation and safe roads and sidewalks.
Launched in 2006, the Livable Communities initiative is bringing honor to the county. Westchester is way ahead of the curve in developing such communities. The Livable Communities program is a priority quality-of-life issue for us, and Mae Carpenter’s leadership is the reason why we are in the vanguard of this movement in New York State and nationwide.
Carpenter said she was honored to receive the recognition but did not achieve it on her own work alone.
“It’s an acknowledgment of the conscientious teamwork in Westchester County to improve and sustain our wonderful quality of life for older persons and people of all ages,” Carpenter said. “I like to compare the county to a symphony orchestra, she said. “Each department is like a musical instrument which makes its own unique contribution. But they come together in a harmonious partnership and the residents reap the benefits.”