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Celebrating 50 Years of Service for Westchester’s Older Adults

Get Vocal - Have Your Say

And let your voice be heard. It’s about aging. It’s about action.  It's about time.

As the 21st century brings an unprecedented demographic shift to our county and nation, this is creating challenges and opportunities.  Four generation families are no longer the exception, but the norm. The 2000 census projections indicated that one in every nine baby boomers will live to the age of ninety. 

From the young child to the mature adult, from the playground to the workplace, the issue of longevity impacts all of us.  Decision-makers need to hear the voices of Westchester residents on their concerns relating to the later years. Take up the challenge and learn how to create opportunities that will significantly redefine and transform the diverse experiences of life-long aging.

Vocal Westchester is an intergenerational public education, information and skills program that strengthens the capacity of individuals and groups to participate in civic affairs. It prepares people of all ages to speak out for programs and services that make our county and nation senior-smart communities in which to live and grow old. Whether you want to update, refresh or learn new skills and information, Vocal draws on your experience to create choices and options for Westchester mature adults and their families, now and in the future.

Extraordinary demographics

  • 1 in 5 Westchester residents is currently over age 60
  • The oldest group (85+) is rapidly growing
  • 78 million people born during the 1946-1964 baby boom can retire as early as 2008
  • The county profile reflects increasing diversity

Issues concerning all of us

  • Health care
  • Attainable housing
  • Transportation
  • Income security
  • Long-term care services and finances
  • Caregiving
  • Employment

Are you ….

  • Staying on top of and discussing the issues?
  • Building a foundation of advocacy skills?
  • Informing government and community leaders about your views?

The Vocal brochure explains how to get involved. The Vocal Toolkit provides the details.

To get Vocal, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs or call: (914) 813-6406.