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Celebrating 50 Years of Service for Westchester’s Older Adults

Guide for Caregivers Receives Award

A Guide for Caregivers: What You Need to Know,” a publication of the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services (DSPS), won a Mature Media Award in the 18th annual competition of the Mature Market Resource Center. 

The awards are presented by the resource center to honor the best in advertising, marketing and educational materials produced for people who are 50 and older -  the nation’s fastest-growing population group.

Gold, silver, bronze and merit awards in 32 categories were chosen from almost 900 entries. DSPS’ guide won a bronze award in the “government” category. The program is sponsored by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging and the American Custom Publishing Corp.

The 23-page “Guide for Caregivers” is a practical guide from DSPS’ Family Caregiver Support Program. It covers topics such as challenges caregivers face, sharing caregiver responsibilities, how to balance caregiving and work and why caregivers must also take care of themselves.