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NY Connects: Your Link to Long Term Services and Supports

NY Connects, a service that provides information and assistance about long-term services and supports in Westchester County for anyone who needs information on long-term services and supports. This includes a child or an adult with a disability, an older adult, a family member or caregiver, a friend or neighbor, and helping professionals. A NY Connects I & A Specialist can be reached by phone at (914) 813-6300.

The service helps callers become aware of the various long-term services and supports for their particular situation. Armed with that information, they can make better-informed decisions on the best choices for themselves and their loved ones.

NY Connects of Westchester County: Your Link to Long-Term Services and Supports is a joint, state-funded initiative of the Westchester County Departments of Senior Programs and Services, Social Services, and the Westchester County Office for the Disabled. The service has been available in the county since late 2007.

Calls are answered by trained specialists and all calls are confidential. Help is provided in many languages, and TTY is available for the hearing-impaired.

Long-term services and supports involves medical and non-medical services, and NY Connects can provide information on both, such as Medicaid and Medicare, in-home and out-of-home care, transportation, health, recreation, advocacy, insurance and financial planning.

As people sort out the various options, they may decide, for example, that assisted-living housing best fits their needs. Or, they might find a combination of adult day care and physical therapy a better fit.

NY Connects can also provide information about short-term care, perhaps if a person needs rehabilitation or home care after an illness or accident.